Nestled within the dimly lit archways of Waterloo, far from the stretches of the North Pole, hides Santa’s cherished watering hole, a magical dive bar called HUMBUG! This is an immersive theatre adventure revolving around a stressed-out Santa hitting the bottle hard at Humbug. Guest’s will need to bring their Christmas A-game to help cheer up Santa, who is struggling to find his Christmas spirit…This interactive show is a truly untraditional celebration for adults, with storytelling, live performance, sing-a-longs, cabaret and cocktails.
Humbug is located in a brand-new, never seen before venue in Leake Street, under Waterloo station. The building has never been used for this type of event, which includes themed and interactive content and a moving audience. Highly detailed operational risk assessments outlining all possible hazards and producing thorougher plans of action was a crucial part of our service for the Humbug team.
After our initial site visit we carried out comprehensive fire risk assessment and operational risk assessments which included easy to reference checklists for the onsite operational team to refer to as part of their daily checks, a full site sign-off prior to opening and in person site-specific safety training.
- fire risk assessments
- operational risk assessments
- reference checklist for in-house daily sign-offs
- on site safety training for the team
Humbug is playing from 15 November 2023 to 6 January 2024.